Morality is not Spirituality

Is it not shocking to you to hear of a highly moral pastor being attacked by witches and wizards? The case of a pastor from an apostolic church was brought to me He and other pastors got involved in an agricultural venture. The venture was owned by one of the rich church members. This rich member saw the stipend pastors were paid and realized it could never be enough for them to live on as family men He decided to give them an opportunity to farm He gave them hectares of land, provided fertilizers and seedlings. They had a cooperative arrangement so that they could rent tractors and other farming equipment to maximize their yield. In the time of planting, many of the pastors refused to show up When the time of harvest came, they queued up to claim their part of the harvest. This one pastor who labored hard to make things work ran to the man who gave them the farmland to complain that the other pastors had rented trucks to haul harvests where they did not sow. The owner of the farmland got police officers involved and prevented the pastors from doing so. The pastors insisted they were being cheated. To them, the land was given to all of them. The seedlings and fertilizers were given to all of them as a unit Even though they didn’t show up to plant or farm the land. They deserve a share of the harvest. They were not asking to divide things equally but they wanted a fair share that would represent the seedling, fertilizer and farmland Whatever amount of harvest that might amount to. The owner of the farmland listened to them and told them he was the owner of the land, the one who bought the seedlings and fertilizers. His decision was simple, they didn’t contribute anything and therefore they would not get anything. The man who did all the work gets to keep everything for taking advantage of the opportunity he gave all of them. The other pastors took it badly. The next day, the man who did all the hard work slept and had a dream In the dream, he was shot in the spine and he woke up paralyzed. Bad things happen to good people through evil people Bad things happen to moral people through immoral people.

Nobody can lay a hand on a spiritual man or woman It is simply impossible Abraham’s wife was taken by Pharaoh Abraham was a spiritual man, Pharaoh was a powerful evil king Pharaoh couldn’t touch Abraham, he even returned his wife to him with reparations Abimelech took Abraham’s wife, he returned her with an apology Abraham was not a moral man He told half-truths when it was convenient for him and he was a man of war when he had to be He was a slave owner and an oppressor when he had to be He cavalier manner in which he threw Hagar out without a second thought and even the children of Ketura later in his life tells us how pragmatic he was in his thinking God protected him all the days of his life because he was a spiritual man I have seen many Christians and pastors who are highly moral and yet easy targets for the enemy Some of them are in prison at the moment Some of them were swindled of their hard-earned money and investments. Some of them were assassinated Some were seriously attacked spiritually Like Naboth, they felt doing the right thing was enough to protect them from the wiles of the evil one.

A man says he stands for the truth, he finds himself in jail and persecuted often for the truth he professes. A man says he stands for Christ, he finds himself able to walk out of prisons, heal the sick, raise the dead, command resources and be totally untouchable from the enemy. There goes the difference between a moral and a spiritual man Imagine a Reverend telling you to be scared of witches One told me years ago that witches are powerful and Christians should avoid them at all cost I told him I would demonstrate to him that what he had said was rubbish I was invited to minister in his church and in the church they had witches, self-professed and dominant personalities in the church who had walked up to this pastor and threatened him with sickness and affliction against him and his family should he do anything apart from what they had instructed him to do. They decide who gets ordained in his church and who does not When he applied to be transferred away from the parish to another so that he could be rid of them, they made his daughter so sick that he had to withdraw his transfer request It was one of his members who told him to invite me for a three days revival in the church I got there and we got talking in his office He tried to set the stage in such a way that I would not ruffle the feathers of his masters i got on the altar and I told the church i would be serving them communion They all took the bread and the wine in their hands. Then I told them it is the body of Christ, anyone who eats it when I minister must be a part of the body If anyone is taking communion while belonging to the devil, it is poison and such a person will die physically I told people to eat the communion and to suspect those who are not eating it beside them of being members of demonic cults or witchcraft They all ate the communion and then the witches and cultists among them began to manifest Ushers brought them to the altar I led them to Christ. This reverend cried his eyes out that day When we got to his office after the service he went on his knees and asked me to fill him with the power of the Holy Spirit I obliged him I also told him he was too timid and even though the Holy Spirit is a humble spirit, he is not humble when dealing with evil spirits.

The Holy Spirit is a domineering spirit over all spirits, the Bible called him the Father of Spirits. He does not bow to any other spirit and those who are filled with the Holy Spirit must know this and walk in this consciousness. Jesus showed us when he met with the madman of Gadarene how a man or woman who is filled with the Holy Spirit should conduct himself. You take authority, you speak authority, you command and take charge A moral person’s default is to flee from evil forces out of fear A spiritual person charges at the hordes of evil, they are empty clouds in his or her reality How come the ones who claim to be living a “holy” life are so afraid? When they pray, the content of their prayers is against evil forces and demonic oppression. I thought the bible said the righteous would be as bold as a lion How come they are so timid? They will avoid going to the village. They will not eat in some people’s houses They will not allow some relatives to come to their houses to pay them a visit. They are quick to anoint the house with oil from their pastor and handkerchiefs that had been prayed on in the church. They will tell you they do not do any evil or wish anyone any harm. They are moral and yet they are powerless The devil does not respect morality.

The morality of one culture differs from the morality of another all over the world. What you regard as immoral in Dubai is not what you regard as immoral in the UK Dubai has nothing against polygamy but everything against same-sex marriage The West is all for same-sex marriage and totally against polygamy A thinking Christian will look at all the conflicting issues among nations and come to one conclusion There is only one standard which is sure It is the standard of God and that standard is Christ! I was having a discussion with a priest one time and he said the reason his prayer gets answered was because he was a virgin. It was the most ridiculous thing a person could ever believe or say in my presence. I told him my prayers get answers more than anyone I know and I was not a virgin at the time. I was preparing to get married and this priest was part of those counselling me at the time. He asked me how we can prove whose prayer gets answered the most I said i would ask him to pray for something impossible to happen and he should pray that something impossible happens too and we would set a time frame for the thing to happen He said okay He asked me to pray I said, “Lord, give Father Sola a wife within the next year, a woman that will give him great peace and joy with whom he will share his life and be contented.” The priest laughed He said “You have surely asked for an impossible thing” I laughed too Then he prayed “Let your son see the light and join us in this denomination within the next one year” We laughed over it and moved on with our lives. The priest is a very sound man who I would sometimes call to clarify some differences in belief systems that is rife among christian denominations Eight months later, Father Sola got married and relocated to Ireland We both still joke about it once in a while when we get in touch.

A moral man does not have any spiritual currency or power He will have a good reputation among men and some will even call him or her a child of God People will tell you. He is a man without guile and a man of great reputation of uprightness and a stickler for the rule But it does not make him powerful in any way beyond that. The power of darkness doesn’t care whether you are religious or not King Saul told Doeg the Edomite to kill the priests of Nob for an offence they know nothing about and he did. The priests died due to the insecurity of King Saul He tried to kill Prophet Samuel too but Prophet Samuel overwhelmed him with the spirit The difference between the priests and the prophet was their level of spirituality. The Jews tried to kill Jesus several times but they could not because he was a spirit being John the Baptist however was a moral teacher, we all saw how easy it was for Herod and Herodias to make minced meat from him. The moral ones often run helter-skelter in search of help from the spiritual one.

The Rich young ruler came to Jesus and declared that he had fulfilled all the moral obligations but he was unfulfilled because he didn’t have the Holy Spirit Nicodemus was a moral teacher who specialized in religious dogma, he came to Jesus by night looking for the key to eternal life Morality does not lead to eternal life Eternal life is the gift we receive after becoming believers In living this eternal life, we are elevated to the realm of the Spirit What is flesh is flesh What is spirit is spirit We must learn to separate the two When many believers tell you they are living a “Holy” life, what they mean is that they are living a moral life. Living a moral life does not give you power or a defence against the hordes of darkness. When they suffer any loss and start lamenting, you will hear them recounting their moral deeds to God as a form of reminder. Learn from them so you don’t become a victim Righteousness is a gift, it is not earned When we came to believe in Jesus, we received the gift of righteousness We received the Holy Spirit, we believe the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation We demonstrate Dunamis, Exousia, and Phronesis and we command the verities of the divine life This is where our superiority shines forth as spirit beings.


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