Ear infection healed
I bless the Lord for healing me of an ear infection. My ear started acting funny almost two weeks ago I took antibiotics and pain relievers but the pain persisted. I could barely sleep all night but this morning, during the prophetic service, I laid my hands on the ears and I felt some liquid things like pus coming out. The pain disappeared completely completely and i felt very relieved I give God all the gloryTemp to full-time offer
They told me today that they would like to extend a full-time offer 🥰 Jesus loves all of us ohh 🥰🥰🥰 My heart is FULL ❤️ They have told me my compensation and my benefits, and it is GOOD 😅 I will sign next week. God used my Manager as my advocate 🤗The Lord healed me of partial deafness
The Lord healed me of partial deafness during the last prophetic service. My left ear had been deaf for over nine years. It suddenly started hearing again after the service. It is still hearing now and the hearing is very clear and sharp I bless the Lord for healing me. HallelujahThe Lord sorted out the immigration visa
The Lord sorted out the immigration visa for my family. Not only were we able to sort out the funds necessary. We were able to secure jobs and sort out accommodation, too by the power of the Holy Spirit. We have enjoyed divine support at every level. Blessed be the name of the LordThe verdict changed.
Blessed be God I am testifying to the truth of God’s word and the veracity of prophecy. I was deported from the USA last week Wednesday. Turned back from the airport just as we landed. I was supposed to be on the next flight back to Ghana. My mother joined the prophetic service and prayed for me. I have all my documents intact but the event I was coming to the USA for was cancelled the very day my flight was landing. I had other things I wanted to do in the USA. I also had a plan to study, and I contacted the schools that I felt could offer me admission Right there at the airport, the verdict changed. One of their leaders came to the room, apologized to me, and drove me to my hotel I spent 16 hours with the officials and at the end of the day, everything worked out in my favor. Glory be to GodGod has given me more years
The Lord has done great things for me and my household. I testify that God is faithful. I was given six to nine months to live in 2020. I came home to Nigeria from Canada to make peace with friends and family and prepare myself for the journey to eternity I was just 54 years old at the time. My last child was just 13 years old and he was the only one I was a bit worried about. I met with Brother Gbenga and he prayed with me. He said God is giving me twenty-six more years. He said I will witness all my children get married and have children He said I will be in health and would not become a vegetable. God honored the words of his servant. I am alive now, my health keeps getting better everyday. Two of my children are married now and the last two are doing very well in Christ. I testify that God is faithful. Today is my birthday. I am fifty-nine years old by the grace of God Praise the LordThe Lord healed my husband completely
Glory be to God for good news. I bless His Holy name. The surgery was postponed because my husband had recovered so much since last week that the doctor told us his body has started healing itself and he would only advise that we observe the progress and use medicines if appropriate. The back pain and the stiffness of the left leg had all become a thing of the past. The Lord healed my husband completely Praise GodThe Lord did something marvelous
The Lord did something marvelous for me and my household. My husband had a seminar presentation he was preparing for since January He had done a lot of work on it and we all know how important the seminar is to his career. On Friday, he travelled to the UAE for the seminar. When he got there, he somehow lost his work bag, laptop and folders. He said he took them down to the conference center and suddenly he could no longer locate them. I asked him if we could pray about it. He agreed, so we did. Yesterday, he was to present his paper He had sent some copies to the organizers so they could publish but his own copy had some notes he had made and other talking points Since he couldn’t find his bag and documents, he decided to make do with the printed version. When he got to the center and his bags were all waiting for him at his seat. He said he was so shocked because nobody came to claim to have found the documents and the bags. He didn’t announce that they were missing because he didn't want to distract the attention of attendees from the message of the seminar. He was able to deliver his lecture and he was the most outstanding of them all. Glory be to God.I sold everything at almost 300% profit in one day
This is a unique testimony I bought some products three years ago. After the purchase, my office and warehouse got sealed off due to some squabbles with the EFCC I had assumed the case would be over within a short time It dragged on and on. I was eventually declared not guilty by a judge and my properties were returned to me. I went to the warehouse to see what could be salvaged and a man was waiting for me. He said he had been looking for a particular machine for weeks and he was told just today that I have the machines but my warehouse had been sealed up The man said he decided to wait by faith for the owner of the sealed shop to show up. He said he desperately needed the machines, and he is willing to pay me any reasonable amount I might quote for them. Sir, I sold everything at almost 300% profit in one day. Products that I had considered a waste of money since the warehouse was sealed It was a shocking miracle. The funds from the sales covered almost all the losses I had incurred since the EFCC issue started in 2022. Glory be to God.I got the job
GLORY! The initial offer they gave me was way beneath my expectations but i was willing to take it just to get my foot in the door. I remember the word of god and started declaring that when I meet with the MD of the company the offer would be reviewed. I thank God because the offer was reviewed within ten minutes of my meeting with the MD. The final offer was for the role of business development manager and the pay is very good Glory be to GodWe have another set of grandchildren
I want to thank the Lord for blessing my family with another set of grandchildren. The first set came ten years ago and since then we have been praying I have four children, two boys and two girls. Only the lastborn was able to have a child a year after marriage. The other three had been married for thirteen, eleven and seven years without any issue. When Boope introduced us to GSWMI we all joined because she was already pregnant and we wanted to know how she did it without any medical intervention. Two months later, Layo, my second daughter also took in. Boope delivered in November, a baby boy Omolayo delivered a baby boy also two days ago. The wife of the first son has also taken in, she is five months gone. I would have waited until she delivered to share the testimony of a perfect hat trick but my husband insisted that the Lord laid it on his heart that we share this testimony as a sign of gratitude. We are grateful. The Lord has turned our mockery to songs of thanksgiving. Praise the LordThe examination I wrote landed me a far better job
I am sharing this testimony to the glory of God. The examination I wrote landed me a far better job than I had hoped. I found myself invited to a recruiter’s haven. I was given a five-star treatment and I was able to choose the tech organization I desire to work with. The remuneration is fantastic. It was far more than I ever imagined. I bless the name of the Lord.Prevailing prayers for this month have changed my life and my family
Blessed be God The prevailing prayers for this month have changed my life and my family. My husband and I had been having some serious issues relating to the care of my parents and his parents It seems we both can’t agree on how to do the right thing without it leading to some form of conflict between us. On Monday, Brother Gbenga began to speak on Trusting in the Lord. I was at the office and my husband too was at work. When we got home, we both started talking about it at the same time. Not only did we both agree on what to do, it was what the Lord told me we should do that the Lord told him too. We were completing each other’s sentences. he resolution was so good and we were able to do the right things immediately. Our parents were settled and they are also happy Glory be to GodI was healed
I testify that the Lord is good. I woke up from sleep last week Thursday and somehow I found myself unable to lift my arms, my legs or my body. I was only able to open my eyes. Even that I was told was half opened and the eyelids futtered haphazardly My daughter noticed it about noon when she came into the room to check up on me. She called for help. They called for an ambulance. The ambulance was 47 minutes away. My son called my husband to inform him that I was in a coma. I was hearing everything that was going on around me My husband rushed home and called Brother Gbenga. Brother Gbenga, told my husband to lay his hand on my head. Brother Gbenga prayed and said my husband should pull me up by my left hand My body was immediately free. My husband called to cancel the 911 call so that we wont have to pay them for their services. We went to the hospital The doctor did some tests and said I had LIS (Locked-In-Syndrome). He said it is a psychological disorder caused by some damage in the brain However he said he could find no trace of a damage or stroke. I was not only healed, the issue was dealt with at the source Glory be to GodShort listed for a trip with the foreign secretary
Glory! I have just been short listed for a trip with the foreign secretary. This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in my eyes. I was not part of those who qualify to be on this trip. How my name got on that list can only be a miracle. I bless the name of the Lord for all the wonderful blessings I am partaking of dailyI was given a car
Glory be to God Brother Gbenga, I was given a car on Saturday. I was not expecting it. I went to visit my boss at his house. When I got there he and some other colleagues presented me with a brand new Lexus Jeep for my 35th birthday. I was not expecting it at all. When I got home my wife said it was on the ministration hub for the prophetic service I was like “Wow” God is great.The Lord has given me the city.
Brother Gbenga, the Lord gave me four cities to cover for a new product being introduced to the Nigerian market. These four cities, however, had always had a low embrace factor, and this means I might not do very well as the lead marketer on these products. During the communion service, I changed the cities I was given and I asked the Lord to give me three more cities. I was specific in choosing the cities because I had worked there and established contacts already. The next day, the cities were added to my coverage area. Finally, we started the campaign on a Friday and I have now surpassed the projected target for sales and brand exposure. My team members are very supportive. I give God all the glory.I got the full scholarship
Blessed be the name of the Lord I am testifying to the goodness of God regarding a paper I put in for a scholarship. I saw this colleague of mine with some documents at the office. He said they were for those who are interested in a certain scholarship program I remember the word of prophecy that went forth last week that we will reap where we did not sow and eat where we did not plant. Emboldened by this prophecy, I filled one of the forms, and he submitted it. Brother Gbenga, I got the full scholarship. I am packing my bags now because the timeline is so close and I have to be in Sweden before the end of the week. This does not only add value to my career, but also gives me the opportunity to travel throughout Europe to study the windmills and their effect on the environment. It was several steps above my expectations and career goals for this year. God has done it!BABY STEPS AND GOD'S PROVISION...
As at Monday 27th January I literally finished the last food I had at home... I had no money... I was tempted to start calling friends and ask for help... But I have been following GSW teachings in PSSBC 24 so I decided to exercise MY rights as the righteousness of God. So throughout Monday I kept declaring; and even at night I played my recorded declarations. Tuesday came and went; nothing happened. I was tempted to start crying and begging God "for mercy" as I used to do in the past... But I stood my ground: I am the righteousness of God in Christ, I do not beg for Mercy, I am Mercy!! I had made a list of groceries, added transport and also 25k gift for Chioma- the girl that runs errands for me- who was supposed to travel Wednesday morning for her father's burial... I was believing God for 150,000 to cover food and my immediate needs. I woke up for the Prophetic service this morning to find N200,000 in my account!!! The money had been sent at 4:18am today Wednesday 29th January!! Now I am beginning to realize that yes: I also am a partaker of the supernatural life. All that the Father has is mine... I do not have to cry & beg God for mercy or beg for food... My Father cares enough to give me food to eat and seed to sow... Going forward I can now start taking bolder steps: I declare total and complete restoration of lost years, Healing in my body in Jesus Name!! 🙏🏼 HALLELUJAH!!! 🙌🏼 Glorrry!!!🙌🏼Unwanted growths disappeared
Good morning Sir, I just read the testimony about lumps in the armpit and I remembered that months ago, I too had lumps in my armpit (3 hard ones) and even one behind my neck ... I didn't even let it bother me , didn't tell anyone until a family member saw the lump behind my neck (about the size of a peanut). I had a dream and saw myself with lumps/sores in the armpit and behind my neck. I woke up and the growth was there visible ..just like that ! I just told myself it can never be my body. I have the life of God in me such can not thrive in me. Sir, I do not even know when those growths disappeared...like I said I just read the testimony now and remembered and checked my body ..no growth! Glory to GodA big fire outbreak was prevented
Christ loves me, oh he loves me extra-ordinarily! Yesterday, the Holy Spirit laid on my heart to pray against fire outbreak. I am on holidays outside my home in Lagos, so I prayed against fire outbreak in my children’s home where my husband and I are spending our holidays, I prayed for my Lagos home, every home that is connected to me. Today, I was called that our 25 KVA diesel generator caught fire and it was quickly put out. My generator guy was doing routine servicing so he was fully on ground. He got everything fixed and our generator is up and running perfectly!!!! I was told that it was a huge blast of fire, glory to God, it was quickly contained. As an aside, let me tell you how I treat this my generator repair guy, he is a middle aged man and I always reach out to him outside of repair work, ask after him and his family, give him what I can without him asking, as I actually do with all my artisans, my Plumber, Carpenter, Electrician, Tailor. God used home today to keep my home safe Glooooorrrrryyyyy to God!! He worked with dedication and our generator is working and a big fire outbreak was prevented.We are now homeowners.
I want to bless the name of the Lord. He has done glorious things, blessed be His holy name. We are now homeowners. The Lord prepared a five-bedroom bungalow and he gave the house to us at a cost of next to nothing. The way the Lord started this year with us is special. Owning a house of our own was the one thing I was desiring for 2025. We have a plot of land in Ikorodu and I was praying that we will increase in capacity to build that house. Only for my brother-in-law and his family to be relocating and they sold their house to us for almost nothing. The plan of a whole year fulfilled in one Month I bless His Holy nameTO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY
We would love to hear your own testimony, share with us on +234 807 274 4871