Nigerian pastors especially seem to always assume that their members are silly or stupid. The condescending manner in which they treat adults like idiots is almost too ridiculous to mention. They want to discourage premarital sex but they refuse to study the history of sex so that they can present the facts to an educated and upwardly mobile audience. They just hold the microphone and say “Once your chest touches the breast of a woman and once a woman’s breast touches the chest of a man, they have made a covenant” as I type this, I am laughing. There is nothing more stupider than that and no one should be proud to say this is my take on sex, especially when they are talking to teenagers and young adults. Most of those who are given the microphone in churches to address young adults on the issue of sex makes little or no impact on the youth because the youth know they are being lied to, fear-mongering and shaming are not working.
The science does not agree with the theology of such an uninformed message. How can condoms stop a spiritual covenant? How can contraceptives stop a spiritual covenant? How can abortion stop a spiritual covenant? All the church has done is produce generations of hypocrites who have sex in secret and pretend they are still virgins in church. The consequence of telling people a bogeyman will come for them is they become wise to the lie and realize there is nothing like a bogeyman anywhere. I had a discussion with a young lady recently, she said her parents are unmarried and in between them they had four children. Three of the four children are married at the moment. Two are legally married, the eldest is not legally married and the last child is single and in a relationship. She asked me why marriage is necessary if sex is a spiritual covenant. She had seen many unmarried couples walk away from their relationship without thunder striking them from heaven and she was wondering why God is not punishing people who have had sex if indeed sex is a covenant. I told her sex is not spiritual. It falls under horizontal relationships which are relationships between people. God does not punish anyone for having sex. He does not cut his Holy Spirit away from a born-again Christian for having sex. You don’t lose your salvation and eternal life for having sex. There has never been any proof of God being anti-sex from scripture or from our relationship with the Holy Spirit from the day of Pentecost. For married couples who are ministers of the gospel, the anointing does not move less when you have sex and more when you don’t have sex.
Sex has nothing to do with the anointing. Sex was already in the world and had been in the world for thousands of years before the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. We should not mix what is from above with what was already here before the flaming tongues of fire fell upon the upper room. And we should not designate a spiritual status to sex out of the blue Angels don’t have sex for a reason, they are spirit beings. Men have sex because they are material beings, there is no better way to distinguish between what is spiritual and what is natural than to look at how things used to be under the Old Testament and the change that came in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, sex mattered. This is why the Jews had genealogy which is a list of who slept with who and which child they gave birth to In the New Testament, we had a list of those who encountered the Holy Spirit and started living the new life in Christ.
1 Timothy 1:3–4, Paul tells Timothy to avoid “endless genealogies” and “myths” that promote speculation instead of faith. Paul believed that these genealogies distracted believers from advancing God’s work. Titus 3:9: Paul tells Titus to avoid “genealogies” and other “foolish controversies” because they are “unprofitable and worthless”. Paul believed that these genealogies created controversy and disagreement instead of advancing God’s kingdom. Paul’s warnings about genealogies were likely due to the tendency of some Christians to be preoccupied with “pure descent” as a qualification for holding the priesthood. False teachers also took pride in proving that they were direct descendants of Abraham. In the Old Testament, blood relationship was the criteria by which the Jews identified with God. In the New Testament, we have the Holy Spirit and in Him, all nations have been brought into the reality of the new life in Christ. Sex in the Old and New Testament is for procreation and pleasure, the children born of sex in the Old Testament were separated by race into “People of God” and “The Unclean People” The children born to Born Again Christians in the New Testament are Holy. 1 Corinthians 7:14 Not because of sex but because of the gift of salvation and eternal life that believers in Jesus received when they gave their lives to the Lord. Faith is a spiritual thing; you cannot touch it or hold it and yet it is a real thing. Sex is a natural thing; you can touch it and hold it and it is a physical thing.
The Nigerian Christian church leaders must spend time studying and edifying the saints with the truth of the word of God and not ghost stories. You can no longer get away with “You will go to hell” “God will not bless you” “God is angry with you” or “God will curse you” lies. There is a reason premarital sex is a bad idea; it is the same reason you get licenses before you start driving a car. Some things are better handled as adults than as teenagers or even young adults who are still trying to figure life out. Sex is pleasurable but opening that door too early might ruin your life. King Solomon in his wisdom stated this thousands of years ago Song of Solomon 2:7 I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake love, till you are ready. It is time to stop treating church members like they are retarded people. A lot of members are well-educated and enlightened and when they hear their pastors say these things, they just shrug and shove it aside. Nigerians are well-travelled now; we also have the internet and access to the teachings of more enlightened folks than our semi-literate pastors who have not bothered to improve themselves. We need to do better as priests. I also see some young ones on social media who just come online to parrot some ancient talking points without investigating the thought processes that led to those talking points. I will counsel such folks to “Study to show yourself approved, a minister who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”