This is also called ethical dilemma, it is a situation where a person must choose between two or more conflicting moral values or duties. In a moral dilemma no one option is clearly right or wrong and the decision maker will violate at least one moral concern regardless of their choice. Children being asked to choose which parent to live with in the case of a divorce between two parents who love them very much is a good example of a moral dilemma. I have been told some judges talk to the children of divorcing spouses and ask them to choose who to live with after the judge must have appraised both spouses and find himself or herself unable to make a decision on who should get the custody of the children between both parents.
I saw a movie on Netflix recently titled “Gifted”. In the movie, the protagonist, a man named Frank was faced with a moral dilemma on how best to raise his niece. The moral dilemma conflict in the issues went as far as the court. I watched the movie with the children and with it I taught them what it means to face a situation in which you cannot easily discern which decision is best for you because both options are good but they are on a parallel line if you choose one you forfeit the other. It was a good time to learn one or two things about life. In today’s class, we will be discussing a few moral dilemmas pertaining to our Christian walk.
I shared with them the example of a lady who had the opportunity to travel abroad after waiting on the Lord to get married for many years but just before embarking on the journey, she met a man who was seriously interested in marrying her. There she was, standing right before her answered prayer from the past while the answered prayer of the present was also standing before her. What does she do? I explained to the children that no choice is right or wrong, but either of the choices will have its own implications or consequences. If she chooses to get married to this serious suitor, she will have to abandon the opportunity to travel abroad and explore new opportunities, she will become a wife and a mother. One of the children asked me if she could not be a wife and a mother and also get to travel abroad. I told her this was a possibility, but that would require her to forfeit the money she had spent on the current journey and discard all her expectations and preparations for a man who might not turn out to be the best husband in the world. I also explained to them that it is possible that she travels and meets with another man in her new location. The dilemma then lies with not knowing what tomorrow holds so that one can navigate today better in order to make the best of tomorrow.
A mathematician was determined to make a name for herself in the field of her chosen discipline by harnessing her mathematical genius to prove one of the most difficult mathematical theories of all time. She met a rich American, she fell in love and she suddenly realized there is a bright life of pleasure and softness outside the monolithic and boring walls of a university. She chose to follow her heart, she became a wife and a mother. She abandoned her aspiration to change the world and make a name for herself. After she had gotten the money, the children, the status of a wife and the pleasures it offered, she regretted her choice. She didn’t regret it enough to abandon her current advantage but she regretted it enough to make up her mind that if she had a second chance, she would not put her pleasure above making a name for herself in the field of mathematics. Then she had a daughter who was also a mathematics prodigy, and with everything she had within her power, she decided not to allow her daughter to repeat her own mistake. It was a moral dilemma. Who was she to determine the course her daughter’s life must take and rob her daughter of all the pleasures of living a normal and happy life? A path she refused to take herself was now enforced on another because she regretted her broken dreams. The daughter hated her for it, she fulfilled her mother’s dream but spitefully refused to announce that she had done so. The mother got to her to prove the mathematical theory that only one in a billion people can prove, but in doing so the mother lost her daughter and her son too. Is she a hero or a villain? To the mathematics community and to the world, she was a hero. To her daughter, she was a villain. This was the same way we should look at the Gospel.
Someone who never had to face a moral dilemma wouldn’t truly grasp the depth of it. Abraham was told to go to a mountain and sacrifice his son. That was a moral dilemma, would he choose to spare his beloved son or choose to obey the God who gave him that son? Some religions preach that God is good, and they, therefore, cannot see anything good in a God that will allow his only begotten son to die on the cross for the sins of others. The wages of sin is death. The wages of eternal sin is eternal death. The remedy to eternal death is eternal life. Eternal life can only be given by one who has it to others. No man had eternal life and no animal had eternal life. Therefore, sin had no existing or provable remedy. Mankind was doomed for all times from the moment Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the people in perpetuity. The only way to bring mankind out of the chokehold of the devil and his minions was to take the power of sin away. God then did what only God can do, He became a man, He proved while He was a man that He was not an ordinary man. His words, His actions, and His works all stood him out as a different kind of man. Everybody who encountered him had to agree that He was not a prodigy or a genius or a cult hero. He understood life in a way that no man had ever seen or thought about before. This same man then offered up his own life for the sin of the whole world. He was crucified, He resurrected, He appeared to his followers and explained to them that He was not murdered, He didn’t play the victim. He ascended and took over the throne of human reality and existence. He became the Lord He redeemed the whole world from their sin and in exchange for eternal death, He offered all those who believe in him eternal life. A life in which man was no longer bound to the darkness and doom of the past.
A philosopher could raise the question, why kill your son to redeem the whole world if you are God and can do all things. A wise man would reply to the philosopher that there is a difference between saving people without them being conscious of it and saving them with them being conscious of it. In both cases, you would have saved them. First, there will be no acknowledgment of what was done and there will be no change of orientation for those who had been saved. Life would only go on as usual for them and this means they will remain in darkness and continue to suffer from the domination of darkness because they have no knowledge that they have been saved The path God chose was to save us and bring us into the consciousness of it. If we were goats or dogs He would himself have become a goat or a dog so that He could explain this to us and then demonstrate it to us. We were human and so He became a man He spoke our language, shared our feelings, and showed us how to live a better life He then demonstrated it by laying down his life and giving us eternal life In this life, we have conquered sin and death Not only can we prove it, but it is very evident. An unbeliever from any other religion can never see or understand it. This is not a question of belief or faith Christianity is an encounter, an experience that cannot be explained with words. It is why believers are called saints and why they speak in a new tongue after they have received the Holy Spirit.
We are literally translated out of darkness into His marvelous light. Those who are still in darkness cannot see this and therefore they cannot understand it. Was God singing and dancing on the day Jesus died for the sin of the whole world? Did Jesus not pray in the garden of Gethsemane that the cup may be taken away from him? It was a moral dilemma. He could have chosen to save himself and damn the whole world, it was an option. The devil offered it to him during his temptation at the start of His ministry, He refused it. Life offered it to him at the tail end of his ministry, He chose to do the will of the Father. The evidence that God was shaken by the death of Jesus was document. There was an earthquake and the sun turned to darkness as Jesus gave up the ghost. A Roman soldier saw this and fell on his knees weeping in acknowledgment of the divinity of Christ. His death however proved nothing to us. It was His resurrection that brought us into glory! Those who had not been resurrected in Him cannot understand what it means and how it led us to become the assembly of the saints in Light. This new year, choose to manifest the light of the gospel in your deeds and works. The only acceptable defense of the gospel is in the doing of the gospel, Jesus said ye are my friends if you DO whatsoever I have commanded you. He didn’t call those who argue, insult, condemn, and play victim his friends. Apostle told us in his letter to Timothy not to engage in useless arguments and banters over faith and religion. A Christian is known for his divinity. A religious person is known for his morality (self-righteousness) Nicodemus was a moral and religious teacher, he knew nothing about eternal life (Read John 3). Nicodemus is the sight and understanding of every religious man or woman out there regardless of the name their religion is called. Be it Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism, till today, none of them can know what eternal life is except CHRIST through a believer shows it to them. Arguing with them therefore is a waste of time. A man living in New York does not need to argue with a man who lives in Nigeria but is studying the map of New York while trying to prove that New York does not exist. All you have to do is take him there and all arguments will end.