SCENE ONE: “MEN ARE SCUM!”, she wailed. She was sitting in the passenger’s seat in her friend’s car as she drove around town. She had just caught her boyfriend cheating and it shook her badly. Her friend picked her up to comfort her as she went about her business. “Men
December 19, 2024 by Haruna Daniels -
(Jeremiah Chapter 35) Sometime ago, I was with an elderly woman who is highly placed in the government. She told me an interesting story of an experience she had some months earlier. Her late father was a Pastor in a popular Church in Nigeria, so she had been a member
December 15, 2024 by Haruna Daniels -
Morality and Spirituality Are Not the Same Thing
Moses brought the children of Israel the law. The Law is a set of rules that govern human behavior and are created and enforced by social or governmental institutions. He also brought them instructions on religious rites and Levitical conduct but the law was only useful for the fact that
December 15, 2024 by Gbenga Samuel Wemimo -
(Jeremiah 18:1-4) The Prophet went to see the potter, who was busy working on his wheel. He was making a flower pot from a lump of clay. But the lump wasn’t lumping, so to speak. The lump refused to become a flower vase. The potter sighed. He looked at the
December 10, 2024 by Haruna Daniels -
Understanding Rest!
When a lady starts dating She will meet many prospective husbands Some she will talk to Others she will admire Some will take her out Others will collect her phone number but won't reach out Eventually, she meets one, and she knows this is the one.
December 10, 2024 by Gbenga Samuel Wemimo