The month of lifting a lot of blessings disguised as an opportunity to help Seeds sowing (not giving money to any pastor or ministry) but deliberate acts of kindness (not charity) but for the elevation of those who will come into your space with great potentials.
But without the immediate means to fulfill them. Do not be mindful of those to whom you have shown kindness in the past who walked away without looking back or treated your extended hand of fellowship with disdain. Remember never to be wary of doing good, the season of harvest is at hand. Encourage yourself in the Lord always; do not look to people for validation or acceptance. Put your thinking cap on facing the right direction. What use is a thinking cap that is worn the wrong way? Your dreams, not your STATE, must fuel your decision-making.
Expect the land to turn green all around you, the waters from the throne of Christ are still flowing from Him to the nations, changing infertile grounds to fertile grounds and causing fishes to spring forth in abundance in rivers previously made dead by too much salt.
It is the month of obedience, especially to the instructions of the instructions of the Holy Spirit to you pertaining to helping and showing love to others. Even when you have nothing to offer them in their situations, speak kind words freely. Beware of those who aim to take advantage of your kind heart. For business folks, this is the month to look into fresh investments or new products while the old stream still flows, new ones are springing forth. You will be given a window to correct some serious faults from the past, the decision you make will be the difference between good and better.
Read Psalms 19 out loud while praying in the spirit; do this often. Teach your children this Psalm too, read it with them at the family altar. Fill your mouth with the declaration of His glory. The seeds of sicknesses and diseases will die off without sprouting. The Lord has declared Rapha over His church, the banner that led the procession speaks not only of healing for bodies but also of full recovery and restoration. If you have been nursing an idea or a move for advancement for some time, this is the month get it done.
On the day you decide to take action, even without any help or resources, lift up your hands to Him in prayer and declare that all of your help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. What you need has been given, the guiding hand will bring them forth.
The sun is at a half rise over the nations; the other half is not dark, it is silver, while the half that has risen is reddishly golden. The truth shall face serious resistance, but it must wield dominion with wisdom. The truth cannot be absolute at this time.
Compromises must be made I see the sons of Shimei, preparing to mount donkeys on the King’s highway with the intention of cursing and provoking him Ignore them. IGNORE THEM! The seats of many governments shall be shaken by the donkey riders, the ones who ignore them will thrive!
Remember the story of Naomi, read it and understand it. The daughter of the foreigner shall come into the land and find a path to bread for the citizen who deserted her nation in the time of famine. This is a call for caution for those whose desire to relocate is only motivated by bread. Be led by the spirit. There is a space for advancement in the realm of words and languages. The sounds of ascension for the season have been released, the heralds have heard them, the ministers and minstrels are voicing them. There is a rapid change in the atmosphere. The deep is calling to the deep.
Tell the heavy-hearted to unyoke himself or herself from heaviness. The heart was not made to carry burdens. Tell the weary to rest. Tell the lazy to reinvent themselves. Tell the nay sayers the reward of naysaying is nay! Tell seekers to find the truth and sell it not. Tell the seers I have come with an abundance of prevailing sights. Tell the runners to run with the vision until their teams are gathered. Tell the teams to paint the pictures on a canvas. Tell them I paint through them the pictures of now and tomorrow.
How do I know my relationship is a good one? You ask. How many people have you called to report to your partner or to intervene in the relationship? A good relationship thrives by itself and needs no external help If you are calling third parties to intervene in your relationship it is a bad relationship. Christian marriages are finding freedom and true expression this season Couples take delight in one another. There is a sound of joy and the patter of feet to dance. Tell the ones who have been waiting… I have kept my promise. The coming days are programmed to work for you. You will reap the harvests of each day, and your soul will be satisfied. Your gains in the month of January 2025, shall be more than all your gains of the past put together. The hand that lifts has lifted you. Where you have ruled over a few in obscurity, you and that few shall be brought forth to rule in the open. The people rejoice at your coming. The nations delight in your rising. The citizens remove every obstruction to your emergence. There is a consensus by all, that your crowning is the last piece of the puzzle!
There will be no global upset of any kind. Disasters will be at a minimum across all nations, for there are restraining angels at work to help the sunshine bright with truth and a resetting of courses If men will be kind to men, evil will be reduced to almost nothing in our lands.
PS: We will hold a special prophetic service for 2025 by 6 AM tomorrow. You are invited. Remember to write down your visions for 2025 and present them to the Lord as we pray together. Your prevailing vision is the one the Lord has set in your heart by His Spirit!