Why Some Believers Don’t Move Mountains
Many believers will be conversant with the story of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. He was there with Peter, James and John. While he was away, the other disciples
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Some people find themselves landlocked in the place of developing concepts and ideas, the concepts and ideas they spend so long creating never see the light of day. This is
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Telling a person their mother is the witch behind their predicament is always an ungodly and unwise thing to do for a minister of the gospel. You can never predict
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There are battles that we fight in the realm of the Spirit. There are battles that we fight in the realm of the soul. There are battles that we fight
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Most Christians know Jesus Christ as their SAVIOUR, which is wonderful, but knowing Him as your SALVATION will completely revolutionize your life and take your walk with Him to a
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Joshua 14: 6 Now the people of Judah approached Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, “You know what the Lord said to Moses
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The crime of Job and His friends was “humanizing God” They were talking about and of god as if God was a powerful man or a powerful human king They
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