Her journey started at 18. She remembered buying household items with all the money she had saved out of her pocket money and gifts to prepare herself for the big move. She didn’t tell anybody about her plans. She started dreaming of it when she was sixteen years old, Independence Living alone and being the Lord and master of her own life. Her father had died when she was nine years old. Her mother raised her and her younger sister. Her mother was a beautiful woman who got married to a man fifty years older than her for the money. Her mother never hid her intentions from her and her sister. Her mother would say, “He was the highest bidder, I knew he had a short time left but no other man in my life offered as much goodies as he did, So I married him after he deposited one hundred thousand deutschmarks in my bank account. After the marriage, he deposited another one hundred thousand deutschmarks. We had a deal, I will give him two children, he will train them for as long as he is alive. He will write a will and give them their birthright while he was yet alive. I knew he had two previous marriages and that he also had children from those marriages. I encouraged him to settle his affairs accordingly.
He was 70 when I married him, and I was twenty years old. We were all living in Amsterdam at the time even though he was a citizen of Yugoslavia. Her father lived another ten years after marrying her mother. They had two children; she couldn’t really remember her father. The older she grew the more the memory faded. She grew up lacking nothing. Her father left her mother a beautiful house, some money in the bank, money in each child’s trust fund and other blessings. When she was sixteen, she had her first boyfriend, a 19-year-old Chinese classmate of hers. Her mother frowned at the relationship because the Chinese guy was poor. In her opinion, her mother was too materialistic. She prized money above every other thing. She, however, wanted to explore other aspects of life. She had never known poverty and as such money was the last thing she bothered about. Her mother didn’t allow the relationship to thrive, she nagged her day and night because she was hanging around a Chinese guy who came from no money and offered no prospect for the future. That was when she began to dream of leaving home.
The legal age to do so was eighteen. She would wake up in the morning looking at the calendar and counting the days. She wanted so badly to be free. Four months before she turned eighteen, she went to register for her own apartment at the city center. She had money in the bank, her trust fund which was due to her when she turned eighteen. On her birthday she moved into her own apartment. Her mother couldn’t believe it. “How have I offended you that you chose to run away as soon as you turned eighteen? You couldn’t even honor me by spending the day with your family and then you can leave tomorrow. You woke up on your eighteenth birthday and you are leaving first thing in the morning” She had however made up her mind. She was not going to fall for the emotional blackmail. She moved and didn’t see her mother for two years. Her Chinese boyfriend moved in with her. She was studying and working as a waitress to make some income. She somehow discovered she was pregnant within the first six months of leaving home it dawned on her that her boyfriend was not the right man for her. He simply said, “I don’t want the baby, take care of it”, So she did. When she got back home that day, she felt so bad she refused to talk to him. All she did was cry. The day after that she was still unhappy, maybe even suffering from post-abortion depression. He tried talking to her, but she was not in the mood. Later that evening he left the house and left her a note saying that he was going to see his parents. A few days later, she got a call from her younger sister. Her younger sister asked her if she had broken up with her Chinese boyfriend. She said no. Her younger sister said she just saw him and another girl kissing at a bar. That evening, she went to that same bar and saw her boyfriend there with this new lady. He saw her and immediately walked towards her. She turned away, she just wanted him to see that she knew what he was doing. He came back begging that night. She didn’t say anything. The next day, she went to the same bar and picked up a random man. She wanted to hurt her boyfriend the way he had hurt her. She slept with the guy and then called her boyfriend to come and pick her up at the guy’s house. She told the guy she was calling her chauffeur. Her boyfriend arrived, saw her and the guy and went berserk he beat the guy up, and everybody ended up at the police station. Her sister came to bail her out. She bailed out the other guy and left her boyfriend there, she was done!
It was her first heartbreak and her first payback. Life became a slippery slope from there. She began to frequent bars and ended up dating all sorts of Germans, Jews, Syrians, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, French, Irish, English, Lebanese, Indian, Ghanian, Italian. The Italian guy was a mobster. He got her a job as an air hostess on an airline that flies across Europe and sometimes, he got some of his smugglers on board her flight. She dated him for four years. He treated her to a life of luxury, but he was a very violent man who could only dominate people by fear. She had to get admission into the University of Manchester in England to get away from him. When she got to Manchester, he asked her if he could keep cash with her. One million pounds for a week or two and she gets to keep ten percent of the fund. She realized he was going to set her up for money laundry operations. The dangers of engaging in that world were great. Some people would know the money was with her and come for it with guns and so on. What about the police? How about some gang members somewhere. She told him she would get back to him and immediately threw her phone away. She changed her address, changed her phone number and moved to another location. She also got a job in Manchester as a beautician. She had always been strikingly beautiful, she knew all the right skin care products and routines, she studied and got a certificate to practice while she was still an air hostess and it came in handy in her time of need In Manchester, she made new friends. One of them was married and her husband began to hit on her. It was in poor taste, but the guy wouldn’t stop, so she got into a relationship just to keep the guy at bay.
The guy she got into a relationship with suffered from serious insecurity. One day, her phone rang while she was beside him and he pounced on her right there in the car to dare to take a call. He destroyed her phone, left her bleeding all over her face, and dragged her out of his car at the nearest gas station. She was happy he didn’t kill her. That was her only fear while going through the whole ordeal. She went to the police station to report, he was picked up and left in jail for weeks. His parents eventually came to her to beg that she should drop the case. They paid her 100,000 euros for her Blackberry phone, hospital treatment, and other compensation. She dropped the case and never heard from him again. She decided at this point to become a celibate. It seems her love life will always be a mess. She realized she attracted only dangerous and criminally minded men, and that path would inevitably lead to much sorrow for her. She stayed off the grid from that moment, interacting with only her mum and sister. Her mother had remarried at this point. Her sister had also moved out of the house to live on her own. She met with a woman at work, they became friends, and the woman introduced her to new age spirituality. She would go to the woman’s house; they would meet with some other people and sit around some tarot cards and say some mantras or spells and so on. Sometimes the card would recommend that she went to the river to have some form of bath with candles and perfumes and other things. She began to do it religiously. When she told her sister about it, her sister got alarmed and told her she was playing with fire. She somehow did it out of curiosity. One night, she was sleeping in her bed and saw a snake climb into bed with her and begin to make love to her curling itself all over her, kissing her, she undressed herself and kissed it back without any fear. When she woke up her bed was all rumpled as if a lover had just left her side. It became a constant occurrence in her life.
She was thirty-nine years old and suddenly she had moved from having dangerous and insecure human lovers to having a dangerous and insecure spirit as a bedmate. She stopped participating in the tarot readings and meetings. She moved from Manchester to Birmingham. She wanted to start all over again as she had always done but this spirit followed her everywhere. On some nights, she would wake up from a deep love-making experience that she couldn’t describe to anyone. She decided to get therapy, it took away her money and time, but it didn’t work. She began to lose weight and grew sick. Her sister and mother came to visit her. When they saw her, they got scared. She confided in them that she had gotten herself into a serious mess with a demon. Her sister told her about the brother in Jeans and T-shirt. She told him he was in Holland, and they could book an appointment to meet with him. The next morning, they flew into Amsterdam. They met with the brother in Jeans and T-shirt at a park. He was having a conversation with some folks while they were all eating hotdogs and milkshakes. He met with the two of them and told her sister all she needed to do was give her life to Jesus. “Sir, I need serious prayer. I am prepared to fast and pray and do vigils. I have called a prophetess in New York who told me to come prepared to have spiritual work done which would cost me some money. Another man of God told me I needed deliverance, and he would do it for me after a seven-day period, during which I would consecrate myself through fasting and prayer. So lay it all bare for me, I can take it. I will do anything to be free. Just tell me whatever you want me to do I am ready”. He told her she could be free right there, under the tree in a park within a minute. She said she was ready. He sensed that she was skeptical He laughed and said, “The Lord has been waiting for you to come to him long before you were born, he will never set hurdles before you or give you tasks to accomplish before he will give you His rest.” He led her to Christ, laid hands on her afterward and said, “Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus” That was it. Right there in the park, in the presence of all Tourists, passersby, cyclists and all. She fell and began to writhe like a snake while also foaming in her mouth. They just watched her until the spirit shook her and left. When the spirit was gone, she lay there for a few minutes more before opening her eyes, she has been delivered out of darkness and now she belongs to the Lord”
PS: Unbelievers need to be delivered out of darkness into the Kingdom of His own dear son. Believers don’t need deliverance, they need knowledge. If you tell your child all I need to do is pray for you and you will pass all your exams, you are doing your child a disservice. You encourage your child to study and to know more, and this knowledge will help your child make better decisions for his or her life and pass his or her exams. Praying for born-again Christians against evil spirits and curses etc. is doing them a disservice. Teaching them to observe the things the Lord has commanded us by the spirit and to grow in the knowledge of Christ will make them master. There is no record of any believer who had a deliverance session conducted on them by the apostles. The greatest darkness for the believer is ignorance and the knowledge of Christ cures that.
Always remember this, if you are facing a challenge and you would like me and the members of our intercessory prayer team to agree with you in prayer for that challenge to be turned around, please send me a message in my DM or a WhatsApp message on 08072744871. Please don’t call, we will call you. You can also send a text; it doesn’t matter which country you are in; the hand of the Lord is never short. Your testimony is sure.