When doctor says there is no way, God made a way

When doctor says there is no way, God made a way

Good morning sir, My menstrual flow that usually lasts for 3days had not stopped for 17days, I decided to visit the hospital and I was told there were polyps, which were now add to the fibroids that already existed, the doctor told me I could not get any treatment until they investigated it, so I was rescheduled for next week.

Yesterday, from my sleep, because I had nodded off during the praying in tongues, I didn’t know when prophecies had started, from my sleep, I just heard a man praying about the woman with the issue of blood and praying for healing. It was as if he was talking into my ears, sat up immediately and started claiming it and praying along.

From yesterday morning until now, there hasn’t been a single drop of blood.

I really just want to thank God. Hallelujah

Also, when we were speaking in tongues, I had gotten a picture that looked like waves but then I heard you say wind and I realized that it was 3 winds I saw and not waves. I just thought to share this as well

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