We have another set of grandchildren
I want to thank the Lord for blessing my family with another set of grandchildren. The first set came ten years ago and since then we have been praying
I have four children, two boys and two girls. Only the lastborn was able to have a child a year after marriage.
The other three had been married for thirteen, eleven and seven years without any issue.
When Boope introduced us to GSWMI we all joined because she was already pregnant and we wanted to know how she did it without any medical intervention.
Two months later, Layo, my second daughter also took in. Boope delivered in November, a baby boy
Omolayo delivered a baby boy also two days ago. The wife of the first son has also taken in, she is five months gone.
I would have waited until she delivered to share the testimony of a perfect hat trick but my husband insisted that the Lord laid it on his heart that we share this testimony as a sign of gratitude.
We are grateful. The Lord has turned our mockery to songs of thanksgiving.
Praise the Lord