The Lord did something marvelous

The Lord did something marvelous

The Lord did something marvelous for me and my household. My husband had a seminar presentation he was preparing for since January
He had done a lot of work on it and we all know how important the seminar is to his career.
On Friday, he travelled to the UAE for the seminar. When he got there, he somehow lost his work bag, laptop and folders.
He said he took them down to the conference center and suddenly he could no longer locate them.
I asked him if we could pray about it. He agreed, so we did. Yesterday, he was to present his paper
He had sent some copies to the organizers so they could publish but his own copy had some notes he had made and other talking points
Since he couldn’t find his bag and documents, he decided to make do with the printed version.
When he got to the center and his bags were all waiting for him at his seat.
He said he was so shocked because nobody came to claim to have found the documents and the bags.
He didn’t announce that they were missing because he didn’t want to distract the attention of attendees from the message of the seminar.
He was able to deliver his lecture and he was the most outstanding of them all.
Glory be to God.

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