The Lord brought me out of Depression

The Lord brought me out of Depression

I lost my baby during the UK riots. I was stuck in the UK for longer than necessary due to some financial reasons. Since I got back to Nigeria, i couldn’t come out of this hard place where I had found myself emotionally. Months went by and the weight continued to feel heavier. My back, my chest, my arms became heavy. I lost interest in everything.
It felt like being thrown into nothing inside nothing. Waking up became a problem, moving about was an issue. I just didn’t want to live anymore. At a point I began to cut myself in the thigh and on the arm just to feel alive again.
My mother in law sent me the link to the service last week. I was listening when suddenly it felt like a light was switched on in my head. I have been out of this dark place since then
I reached out to someone and i got the link to Bible reading. Things are back to normal now. I look forward with great joy to my husband returning from work, the Bible reading and the services
God bless you.

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