I was healed
I testify that the Lord is good. I woke up from sleep last week Thursday and somehow I found myself unable to lift my arms, my legs or my body.
I was only able to open my eyes.
Even that I was told was half opened and the eyelids futtered haphazardly
My daughter noticed it about noon when she came into the room to check up on me. She called for help.
They called for an ambulance. The ambulance was 47 minutes away.
My son called my husband to inform him that I was in a coma. I was hearing everything that was going on around me
My husband rushed home and called Brother Gbenga.
Brother Gbenga, told my husband to lay his hand on my head. Brother Gbenga prayed and said my husband should pull me up by my left hand
My body was immediately free. My husband called to cancel the 911 call so that we wont have to pay them for their services. We went to the hospital
The doctor did some tests and said I had LIS (Locked-In-Syndrome). He said it is a psychological disorder caused by some damage in the brain
However he said he could find no trace of a damage or stroke. I was not only healed, the issue was dealt with at the source
Glory be to God