I got an alert of over 4k instead of £380

I got an alert of over 4k instead of £380

Good evening Sir, trust you are having a great evening sir.
I missed the beginning of the ministers prophetic service so I listened to it last Thursday and I heard you say you would talk about finances in PSSBC class. When you were giving examples, I thought to myself, Lord let me experience this miracle then my doubting voice said in this UK where hmrc chases every penny made, meanwhile due to restructuring, I was let go from work last year and had been looking for a new role. I started doing some small stuff. Fast foreword to the Friday, I got an alert of over 4k instead of £380 from the small stuff I was doing. Chai, the fear of hmrc, I didnt know what to do , (I was like Bro Gbenga didn’t complete his lesson o, tax part nko🤣).Anyways I reached out to the company as I felt it was a mistake and they said, it was the same hmrc that had refunded that amount to me.💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽 .
The Lord said He would take care of me when I was so fidgety at the beginning of the year. He keeps His words

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