God did it with 7 hours!

Thank you, Jesus. I had nursed the idea of floating my own financial institution for a while. I worked for many years at LAPO microfinance bank, and I understudied the founder of the bank. Toward the end of last year, I decided to take a bold step. I pitched my idea to some people, and they bought it. I applied for a license, and I was able to gather the necessary funds to start off. I testify that God came through for me. When the conditions became a bit still and I had nowhere to turn to, I reached out to Brother Gbenga. He said in seven hours, the tide will turn in my favor. He said this at about 11pm. I told myself it was not even working hours and that maybe the seven hours will start counting from the following Monday because I called him on a Friday. Saturday Morning, I got a call from the CBN office. I was shocked – Jesus did it!

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