Naomi stopped suddenly.
She turned to her daughter’s in-law, Orpah and Ruth.
“I think you women should go back”, she said…
Several years earlier, Naomi and her husband Elimelek had decided to relocate to the Country of Moab from Judah their home Country.
Judah was going through some economic difficulties, and they discovered that life was easier in Moab, so they relocated there with their 2 sons, Mahlon and Kilion.
They settled down in Moab. Elimelek got a job, and their sons were admitted into a school to continue their education. Naomi also got into a business, exporting goods back to Judah and importing goods from Judah.
Life was GOOD!
20 years later, Mahlon got married to a Moabite lady, Orpah. 2 years after Mahlon’s wedding, Kilion also got married to Ruth.
The family was growing, Elimelek and Naomi looked forward to becoming grandparents.
But fate has its own plans for them…
Elimelek died.
Mahlon died.
Kilion died.
The 3 women, Naomi, Orpah and Ruth became widows in a year!
It was a big blow for them all. They came together in grief, comforting each other for their losses.
Naomi had lost her husband and 2 sons, Orpah and Ruth had lost their husbands and father in-law.
The deaths pulled them together, Orpah and Ruth became bonded like sisters. They practically took Naomi as their mother, in as much as their own parents were still alive.
They lived with their mother in-law for a while…
Until one day, Naomi got a message from her country, Judah: the economy had improved tremendously! All the parameters for development and growth were looking up.
Naomi decided to return to Judah, and she informed her daughters-law.
Orpah and Ruth looked at each other.
In that moment they KNEW: OUR DESTINY IS WITH NAOMI!!!
And they KNEW just what to do!
“We will go with you, Mama!”
They KNEW they had nothing to do in Moab anymore.
They KNEW following Naomi back to Judah was the next phase in their lives.
They KNEW that their DESTINY was waiting for them in Judah!
They packed their bags to follow Naomi.
Early next morning, they set out on the journey back to Judah.
Orpah and Ruth were excited: they were going on a journey into DESTINY!
In that moment, Naomi stopped and turned to them: GO BACK!!!
They froze. Go back??? Why??? To where??? To whom???
“You have your families! Go back to them! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!”
DESTINY discouraged them.
DESTINY tested them.
Orpah folded.
She turned and went back.
“Destiny doesn’t want me again”, she thought.
But Ruth stayed.
“I WANT MY DESINY”, she insisted!
When destiny saw her strong resolve, destiny stopped discouraging her.
And Ruth got what she wanted: she fulfilled her DESTINY.
SCENE TWO: 2nd KINGS 2:1-12
Elijah stood up suddenly.
He turned to Elisha: “I’m going to Bethel: you STAY HERE!”
Elisha replied, “No Sir! I will go with you!!!”
They went to Bethel together.
The School of Prophets in Bethel told Elisha, “Are you aware your Master is leaving today?”
Elisha replied: “I know: SHUT UP!”
Them Elijah tried to pull the same stunt again: “I am off to Jericho, STAY HERE!”
Elisha recognized that DESTINY was trying to discourage him.
He refused to be discouraged!
“No, Sir! I will NOT leave you!!!”
They went to Jericho together.
The School of Prophets in Jericho also told Elisha, “Are you aware your Master is leaving today?”
Elisha replied: “I know: SHUT UP! DON’T DISTRACT ME!!!”
He knew the School of Prophets joined destiny in trying to discourage him. He refused to fold!
“I am off to Jordan!” Elijah pulled the stunt the third time.
But Elisha KNEW what he was doing. He KNEW what he wanted, and he was NOT going to let go.
When destiny saw his strong determination, destiny stopped trying to discourage him.
And Elisa got what he wanted.
Jesus stood up to speak to the multitude.
He had just fed them with fish and bread, they were happy with Him.
Jesus knew they followed Him because He just fed them, so He decided to DISCOURAGE them!
So, he said something radically different, something totally contrary to their theology.
“Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you!”
The people looked at each other.
“What is this Man saying now? This is a HARD Teaching: it’s NOT acceptable! It’s NOT sound doctrine! Are we cannibals? Nonsense!”
And many of them turned back from following Him.
Just as Orpah turned back from following Naomi.
Destiny discouraged them and they turned back…
Jesus turned to the ones left behind: “Are you not discouraged too? Don’t you want to join them and leave?”
Peter answered: “We can’t go anywhere, Boss! You are our DESTINY!
When YOUR destiny discourages you, when YOUR destiny gives you reasons to give up, WHAT WILL YOU DO?
Will you give up like Orpah or hang on like Ruth?
Haruna Daniels