(Psalms 82, 149)

He walked into the meeting, His Staff of Office in His Hand. The other gods stood up in reverence of Him. The angels bowed down in worship as He sat on His Throne. The Twenty Four Elders bowed down also, casting their crowns at His feet in Worship.

Then everywhere became quiet for a minute…

Then two…


Suddenly, His voice boomed out: “How long will you judge unfairly and show special favors to the wicked?”

The gods in the hall were silent.


The gods still stay quiet.

“You are JUDGES! I expect you to ALWAYS execute the JUDGMENT WRITTEN! It is YOUR PRIVILEGE! Haven’t you read the CONSTITUTION?

You have the POWER to execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; you have the POWER to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; you have the POWER to execute upon them the judgment written! You ALL have this honor!

With me, there is NO small god or big god: YOU ARE ALL GODS!!! YOU ARE ALL MY CHILDREN!!!”


“I take pleasure in My People: I beautify you with salvation. You should be joyful in glory: sing aloud upon your beds!!! Let My High praises be in your mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand! The Sword is My Word: USE IT! Stop behaving like Fatherless Children!

If you don’t know the privileges you have in Me, you will die like ordinary men and fall like one of the ordinary princes!

Arise, o sleeping gods! Wake up from your slumber!

Man that is in honor, but lacks understanding is like the beasts that perish!”


“You are gods! You have POTENTIALS! You have POWER! What is the use of owning a Ferrari, if you will only be driving it at 50kmph?

What is the use of owning horses, yet you trek long distances?

What is the use of having hectares of farm land, yet you are hungry and malnourished?

What is the use of a god that behaves like a man?

I have invested POWER inside you! USE IT! MAXIMIZE IT!

Don’t be like the guy who buried his talent in the ground, wasting its potential!

You are gods! ACT LIKE GODS!!!!”

The Twenty Four Elders and all the gods stood up on their feet and roared, “GLOOOOOOORRRRRYYYY!!!!!!”



Haruna Daniels


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