(1st Kings 22:1-25)

Many years ago, I was having a talk with a Pastor. He was much older than me and had been a Christian for longer. We had a difference in opinions on an issue and I insisted he was wrong, based on SCRIPTURE.

He looked at me for a few seconds and asked, “Young man, when did you give your life to Christ?”

“November 29th 1987, Sir.”

“I gave MY life to Christ in 1972, 15 years BEFORE you! I KNOW BETTER!”

This was in 1998, thereabouts. I was just about 11 years in the Faith, but he had been a Christian for about 26 years. So, in his opinion, I should accept his position on the issue we were arguing about because he was OLDER in the Faith!

He MUST know more than me because he was OLDER, he reasoned. It did not matter that I quoted SCRIPTURE to back my position and he did not. It did not matter that I had FACTS and FIGURES to back my position and he did not. What mattered to him was, “I KNOW BETTER BECAUSE I BECAME A CHRISTIAN BEFORE YOU!”

He should know better. He has been relating with God for 15 long years before me. He had experience. He could decipher God’s voice. He was versed in the things of the Spirit, much more than me.

King Ahab of Israel asked King Jehoshaphat of Judah to join forces with him to fight a war against Ramoth-Gilead. Jehoshaphat agreed, but asked they inquire from God if He would back them in the war. So, Ahab the king of Israel called in about 400 prophets and asked them, “Should we go attack Ramoth-Gilead, or should I call off the attack? They all responded: “Go attack them, the Lord will drop them right into the king’s hand!”

One of them, Prophet Zedekiah added some drama to it: he made iron horns for himself and told the Kings, “This is what the Lord says, ‘With these horns you are to gore the people of Ramoth-Gilead until they are eliminated!’”


The 400 Prophets spoke with one voice. But another Prophet (Micaiah) was called and he said something different.

He said, “I saw all of Israel scattered on the mountains like sheep without a shepherd…” In other words, Ahab would die in the war he wanted to prosecute.

Now, Prophet Zedekiah heard this. It was contrary to his own prophecy. It made him look silly, especially after the drama he acted out with the iron horns. He got upset!

How DARE this boy, Micaiah say this? Who does he think he is? How DARE he contradict me! Does he know how long I have  been prophesying? When did he even become a prophet???

Prophet Zedekiah walked up to Prophet Micaiah and SLAPPED him right there in front of the 2 Kings! Then he made a statement: “How did the Spirit of the Lord move from me to speak to you?”!!!

How could the Holy Spirit want to give counsel to these 2 Kings and He would use YOU, when I am here?

Do you KNOW who I am?

Do you KNOW my pedigree?

Do you KNOW my history?

Do you KNOW my reputation?

Do you KNOW how many years’ experience I have?

How could the Holy Spirit leave ME to speak to YOU???

Who are YOU???

Don’t you KNOW I am the Custodian of God?

Don’t you know I’m God’s GENERAL?

Don’t you know I am Number #1 in God’s List of Prophets?

Why do you now think His Spirit would leave ME to talk to YOU?

What is your pedigree?

Which Bible School did you attend?

How many courses did you study there?

Who ordained YOU?


It is not uncommon to see Men of God look down on younger ministers like this. We somehow think there is “seniority” in the things of God. We assume the anointing of God recognizes “seniority”.

If it were so, David would not have been anointed King aged 17.

If it were so, Samuel wouldn’t have become a Prophet.

If it were so, Jesus wouldn’t have started His Ministry aged 30.

The work of God is NOT the Military, Judiciary or Civil Service where “seniority” is the criteria for promotion, respect and responsibility.


Nobody is a CUSTODIAN of God, nobody has the Monopoly of God. No matter how big your ministry is, no matter how large your Church is, no matter the anointing on you, only YOU cannot be the Body of Christ.

You need other Churches and Ministries to become the Body of Christ.

I think a lot of our Men of God need a dose of humility, else they become like Zedekiah, running to hide in a closet when they find out they goofed…



Haruna Daniels

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