“MEN ARE SCUM!”, she wailed.

She was sitting in the passenger’s seat in her friend’s car as she drove around town. She had just caught her boyfriend cheating and it shook her badly. Her friend picked her up to comfort her as she went about her business.

“Men are not worth it, honestly. Relationships are scams!”

The friend smiled. She knew her friend was hurt and was just reacting to the pain. She saw her friend smiling and she got angry!

“You are laughing, yeah? You haven’t caught your boyfriend cheating before, so you think he doesn’t cheat, yeah?”

“No, I don’t THINK he doesn’t cheat: I KNOW he doesn’t cheat, neither does he LIE!”

“Babe, there’s NO MAN who doesn’t cheat or lie, don’t get it twisted! You just haven’t caught him yet!”

“Ok Babe; if you say so…”

In that moment, they drove into a street and there in front of them was a familiar looking vehicle.

“Babe, is that not your boyfriend’s car?”

“Yes it is…”

“Good! You say he doesn’t cheat or lie, yeah? Call him and ask him where he is: I can guarantee you he WILL lie to you! Put it on speaker, I want to hear what he will say!”

The friend picked her phone and called.

The boyfriend picked the phone.

“Hey, Babe! How are you doing?”

“My Nigga! I’m fine! Where are you?”

“I’m in Utako, heading towards Berger Roundabout, on my way to Zone 6…”

“Ah! I’m behind you…” She flashed her headlights.

“Please park after the Roundabout, I want to see you!”

He parked.

She parked behind him.

He came down, wondering if there was any problem.

She jumped out of her car, ran to him, hugged him and planted a kiss on his lips!

“Babe! What’s the excitement about?”

“I just want you to know I love you and you are the best boyfriend EVER!”


He had NO IDEA what happened Behind The Scene.

He had NO IDEA he just passed a TEST…



“Erm… I want to go offer a sacrifice on Mount Moriah, Darling.”

“That’s nice! Today?”

“No, early tomorrow morning.”

“Ok, Dear.”

“I will take our son with me; I want him to start learning how to offer these sacrifices…”

“Ah! Don’t you think he’s too young?

“No, he is of age, Sweetheart…”

So, the father took the son along to the mountain to offer a sacrifice to God.

On getting to the mountain, he suddenly grabbed his son, tied him up and laid him on the altar to sacrifice him. As he raised the knife to kill the boy, God called out to him: “Don’t kill him! Look behind you: there’s a ram caught by the horn in the thicket. Sacrifice it instead…”


He had NO IDEA what happened Behind The Scene.

He had NO IDEA he just passed a TEST…


“I have some bad news, Sir! The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby and the Sabeans attacked and made off with them. They killed all the servants and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

As he was taking in the shock, another of his servants rushed in: “Fire fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

He sat down, not knowing how to react. What is going on? Why these attacks?

As he was ruminating over these disasters, another servant ran in with more bad news: “The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and made off with them. They killed the servants taking care of them, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

As the servant finished speaking, another servant ran in. Their Master turned to him, expecting the worst. He KNEW he also came with some bad news. ““Your sons and daughters threw a party at the oldest brother’s house. Suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”


In a moment, the Master lost his children and livestock. He lost EVERYTHING.

He sighed.

He kept quiet for a while…

Then he WORSHIPPED God and said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”


He did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.


He had NO IDEA what happened Behind The Scene.

He had NO IDEA he just passed a TEST…

We ALL go through tests. God tests us all at some point. We don’t always know when we are tested, so we can’t prepare for them.

Abraham did not prepare. Job did not prepare. The man whose girlfriend tested him did not prepare. They were prepared long BEFORE the test came.

That is how God does His thing. He will not give you a heads up. He will not warn you of the test to come. WE MUST BE EVER READY 24/7!!!

Imagine you were Abraham: would you pass? Imagine you were Job: would you pass? Imagine you were that boyfriend: would you pass?

As the Boy Scouts motto says: BE PREPARED!!!



Haruna Daniels.



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