
I saw God’s mercy at work

I saw God’s mercy at work

Sir, I want to testify of God’s goodness. My son needed an emergency surgery for hernia and appendectomy, costing 455 thousand naira. It was a very good time and zero cash. He was rushed to hospital at 10pm on Saturday, I asked God for a miracle. You said the issue has been resolved, and I should update you. At the hospital they determined it was acute, surgery was fixed for Sunday. I was waiting for the bill but had not a naira for it. Two wonderful sisters paid half the bill, this was on Sunday. I made a deposit and he went to theatre. My HoM said there’s a ministry of the angelic around him. Surgery finished in two hours. In the room, as he was coming out of anesthesia, he cried out in pain, and I prayed, Lord please take away the pain. By 5pm on Sunday he said, ‘daddy pray for me’. Before we could say two words, he burst into tongues of his own accord. I had to check again if he was the one speaking that level of tongues. Truly the pain minimized after that outburst. By Monday, I had all monies needed for surgery and medication and the bill was cleared.
As the day wore on, he was active. In the ward, he took steps up and down and insisted on going to poo in the toilet by himself. He did this thrice. By evening, the doctor said we could leave the next day. We got discharged on Tuesday morning.
This is my final update and testimony. I saw God’s mercy at work.

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