I delivered a set of twins
I want to bless the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously, the Horse and its rider he has thrown into the sea. I know we usually give only testimonies of fancy miracles and the goodness of God in funky stuff. But God can be good too in some other way. I cannot keep quiet about this.
My mother-in-law was a witch, she had been for many years. When i joined the family as a pastor’s daughter, it was the first thing my husband told me. He said that was why he became a born-again Christian and why he does not go home from school during the holidays. We were both spirit-filled and we prayed. We got married and the first thing Mama told me was that I must join her in witchcraft, or I will never be a mother.
She said that was the covenant she met in the family. Anyone who refuses to join will never taste motherhood. My husband and I waited for the Lord, we did everything we could. Eventually, we moved to America, hoping the distance would take away his mother’s eyes from our marriage.
I joined PSSBC School 21 with my husband. We listened and wondered about fifteen years of struggle and oppression can change just like that with how easy brother Gbenga taught us the supernatural. Anyway, I had a dream that month. In that dream, i saw that I was tending to a poultry and my mother-in-law was walking behind me with a bucket. As the layers were laying their eggs, my mother-in-law would pick the eggs. She was so good at it that I was commending her for doing a good job. She did not miss one egg, and the rows of the layers were very long. At one point I jokingly asked her if I could help her. She said no
I became serious and said, “I want to help” she said no. She then went on to say “yiye lo o ma ye, o ni pa” meaning “In laying you will lay your eggs, but you will never hatch them” I kept quiet at first as I mulled over her words. Then it dawned on me that I was having a dream, and I was being mocked in the dream. So, I turned to her and told her to drop the bucket of eggs in her hand and leave my poultry.
Mama said “You, where did you get the confidence to say that to me, who taught you”. I screamed at her, Leave my poultry now in the name of Jesus. She left
I stood there, feeling sad for the way I spoke to her. Then she said as she was about to exit “You have collected your eggs, let us see what you will do with it”
Wow! I said to her “When I am done hatching the eggs, you will hear their cry, but you will never see them” That was when I woke up.
I shared the dream with my husband, It was the first time ever that I was conscious I was having a dream and I was actively participating in and making decisions in my favor in the dream.
I got pregnant that week, maybe the morning of that day after I had shared the dream with my husband.
I delivered a set of twins on Saturday. My husband called home in Nigeria to share the good news. I cried bitterly that day because I felt he should have kept it quiet before her mother came up with schemes to kill my babies.
Sunday morning, my mother-in-law woke up from sleep as blind as a bat. I remembered what happened in that dream.
Wow!!! GSW, Teacher of Teachers, your babies are here. Two handsome boys. Nathaniel and Maranatha Jesu Iye, He has done it. We have been discharged from the hospital.