A big fire outbreak was prevented

A big fire outbreak was prevented

Christ loves me, oh he loves me extra-ordinarily! Yesterday, the Holy Spirit laid on my heart to pray against fire outbreak.
I am on holidays outside my home in Lagos, so I prayed against fire outbreak in my children’s home where my husband and I are spending our holidays, I prayed for my Lagos home, every home that is connected to me.

Today, I was called that our 25 KVA diesel generator caught fire and it was quickly put out. My generator guy was doing routine servicing so he was fully on ground. He got everything fixed and our generator is up and running perfectly!!!!
I was told that it was a huge blast of fire, glory to God, it was quickly contained.

As an aside, let me tell you how I treat this my generator repair guy, he is a middle aged man and I always reach out to him outside of repair work, ask after him and his family, give him what I can without him asking, as I actually do with all my artisans, my Plumber, Carpenter, Electrician, Tailor. God used home today to keep my home safe
Glooooorrrrryyyyy to God!! He worked with dedication and our generator is working and a big fire outbreak was prevented.

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